How to Reduce a Drink Driving Disqualification.
One of the most common questions we get asked is ‘How long will I get banned for?’
This will depend on a number of factors. The court will look at the sentencing guidelines listed below. These are only guidelines and the length of ban can go up or down depending on the circumstances. We appear in court on a daily basis and know how to use these guidelines to ensure that the court take into account your particular circumstances. We know how to reduce a drink driving disqualification.
We know how to present your best arguments to make sure the court treat you leniently. It is very tempting to think that you can do this yourself, you are confident at speaking and know what you want to say. We have sat through so many cases where someone has represented themselves and it has all gone wrong. It is easy to say the wrong thing, in fact the mistake that people who represent themselves (and inexperienced lawyers) make is saying too much. It is easy to come across as arrogant or as if you are making excuses. It is hard to persuade the court that this was a one off and that you are a good person without coming across as conceited.
Trust us to get the best result for you –

Katie Forrest of Forrest Williams
The Court must disqualify for at least twelve months and must disqualify for at least 3 years if you have been convicted of a relevant offence in preceding 10 years.
See our online drink driving ban calculator to see how long your ban could be.
There are a number of factors that the court will take into account to increase the length of the ban.
1. LGV, HGV, PSV etc.
2. Poor road or weather conditions
3. Carrying passengers
4. Driving for hire or reward
5. Evidence of unacceptable standard of driving
6. Involved in accident
7. Location e.g. near school
8. High level of traffic or pedestrians in the vicinity.
We will fully prepare your case, offer you advice as to what you can do to reduce the risk of a lengthy ban. We will ensure that you are represented by one of our approved barristers so that you don’t have to say anything in court.
So why a specialist solicitor not just your local solicitor? Legal Aid Lawyers are getting desperate. The Legal Aid rates, already lower than a plumber and mechanic, are falling even further. The work is drying up and they are looking for other ways to make money, they are going on a 3 hour course to call themselves experts. We did a mixture of Legal Aid and private for over 20 years, in 2008 we took the decision not to do Legal Aid and to become a specialist private practice. We know not everyone can afford to go private, but it could end up costing you more in the long run. A longer ban will not just affect your work prospects and insurance but additional expenses such as taxis for you and your family.
This is far too important to take a chance on, for free initial advice
call us on 01623 397200.